Phone: +420 2 21 619 514, Fax +420 2 24217965
Academic Staff: Prof. Dr. Josef Opatrný, Dr. Simona Binková
The Center for Ibero-American Studies was founded in 1967 as an interdisciplinary center for research and education in Ibero-American Studies. In education it provides a curriculum of specialized courses for graduate and postgraduate students of history, luso-hispanic studies, ethnology, historiy of arts, etc. The courses cover history, culture and geography of Spain, portugal and Latin America and a special seminar for graduate and postgraduate students.
The Center publishes the annual series "Ibero-Americana Pragensia" (vols. I,1967 - XXIX,1995), mostly in Spanish; and apart from Czech authors has built up a wide range of collaborators in almost all the continents. The Center also publishes monographs and editions in the series "Ibero-Americana Pragensia Supplementa" (seven volumes until 1996). The Center participates in the programme of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic with the project "Americas Image in the Czech Society".
The activity of the Center in 2003